To determine if you qualify, you will need to show documentation that you have one of the following conditions:
- Cancer (a medical record confirming cancer)
- Glaucoma (a medical record showing glaucoma and treatment)
- HIV/AIDS (confirmation of diagnosis and current/most recent treatment)
- Alzheimer’s disease (confirmation of diagnosis)
- Wasting Syndrome (confirmation of diagnosis and current/most recent treatment)
- Chronic Pain (confirmation of symptoms requiring treatment from a physician or other medical professional)
- Severe Nausea (confirmation of diagnosis and current/most recent treatment)
- Seizures (diagnosis of seizures and current anti-seizure medications)
- Muscle Spasms (confirmation of diagnosis and current/most recent treatment)
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (confirmation of diagnosis by mental health professional)
All recommendations are issued for Post Traumatic Stress disorder or conditions which cause severe pain, severe nausea, and/or muscle spasms. There are well over 1000 known conditions which may qualify someone to receive a medical marijuana recommendation. Every case is reviewed individually for qualifying conditions and extent of care.